Transforming the Outside of Your House? Things to Consider from Denver Roofing Specialists

March 22, 2017

There are a variety of reasons to give the outside of your home some attention. Some folks might be looking to boost curb appeal for home value or even when selling a home. Others are ready to make some changes that can last long term. From painting and landscaping, to roofing and windows, there are area a lot of options to consider. As you plan your changes, try some of these top tips from local Denver roofing specialists.

Updating the Color

If the exterior of your home is beginning to look a little rough, not only is the reduced quality hurting your home value, but can also bring down the home values of those around you in your neighborhood. Painting the outside of your home, or applying new siding to it, can completely transform your house and bring those values back up. Or, you may have moved into a house with a paint color you aren’t a fan of. This is all cosmetic and can be changed. When choosing to re-paint your house, take some time to research and decide what colors are best for your exterior. You can work with your local hardwood store to look at various color schemes. If looking for a neutral look, aim for greys, blues, beiges or white. In certain neighborhoods, quirky and bright colors work. You can choose a bold color and complement it with a neutral one such as white. It can help your exterior pop. When choosing to go a bold route, make sure it fits your neighborhood. If you have an HOA, you may want to review your paperwork to see if there are any stipulations on colors.


Once you have updated the exterior color of your home, make landscaping next on your list. This will be the perfect accessory to making your house one of the best on the block. Especially with spring arriving, it is the perfect time to mulch and plant. Whether you tackle landscaping first or after your paint color, coordinate this effort so the flowers you plant match with your exterior color choices. If you love the work you have done to your landscaping already, there is still some work to do! The best time to prep your landscaping is early spring. Add pruning to your agenda as well as mulching. Plus, with a new exterior color, you can also work to match the mulch with it!


One of the most important things to consider as you work on the exterior of your home is the roof. If the roof on your home is nearing the 20-year mark, it is approaching the time to replace it. This is typically the time a roof may need to be replaced. But even not, if you are looking for ways to make your roof and your home’s exterior match, you can invest in upgraded roofing in a different shade.

From your roofing to exterior home needs, The Roof Dr. is your premier go-to roofer in Denver! We provide a wide variety of services to help you fall in love with your home all over again. Learn about our residential roofing services today and see how we can help.
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