Denver Roofing Hail Damage Repair

The recent hail that has bombarded Denver and the surrounding areas has caused many problems for homeowners. Although your roof may seemed to have survived the storm, it’s imperative that you or an expert inspect your roof as soon as possible. The sooner you inspect your roof after a storm, the better chance you have at preventing damage from leaks inside your home. If you are present during the storm, try to take notes of the storm details such as storm duration, hail size, and wind direction. Look for these signs when visually inspecting your roof after a hail storm:
  • Missing shingles
  • Dented asphalt shingles
  • Cracked or broken tile or slate
  • Leaks in roof or ceiling
  • Dents on gutters or flashing
If you have asphalt shingles, which are very common, take a look at your gutters. If they were clean before the storm, but are now filled with roof granules, it’s a sign that your roof may have endured significant damage.
When hail is less than one inch in size, it may be harder to identify destruction because of its smaller size. Trained inspectors from Denver roofing companies can find hidden damages that may have been exacerbated by the hail storm or can differentiate natural wear and tear compared to hail damage. The Roof Dr. will work with a field adjuster from your insurance company to protect your insurance investment. This way you are assured that the insurance adjustment assesses all damages for which you are entitled compensation.
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